Will Dentures Age My Face? Understanding the Impact on Your Appearance

If you’re contemplating dentures, you might wonder, “Will dentures age my face?” This concern is common among new denture wearers. Dentures can alter your face’s form and contour in addition to serving as a functional and attractive restoration for lost teeth. Contrary to the misconception that dentures make you look older, they can actually help you achieve a more youthful appearance by supporting the bone structure and restoring facial volume.

Poorly fitted dentures may not provide the desired results, but custom dentures can enhance your facial profile. At Brookline Smile Artists, we’re committed to ensuring your dentures fit well and support a youthful, vibrant look. Let’s explore how dentures can affect your appearance and how to maintain a youthful face with the right denture care and options.

Relationship Between Dentures and Facial Aging

Dentures are a vital solution for those who have lost their natural teeth, offering significant improvements in oral function and aesthetics. However, their impact on facial appearance is an important aspect to consider. Here’s a detailed look at how dentures influence your look and what you can do to address any potential effects on your appearance.

1. The Role of Natural Teeth in Facial Structure

Your natural teeth are essential for preserving the support and contour of your face. They help keep the alignment of your jaw and contribute to the volume of your cheeks. Without teeth, the underlying bone can deteriorate, leading to a more sunken appearance as the facial volume decreases.

While dentures replace missing teeth, they don’t fully replicate the support that natural teeth provide. Traditional dentures rest on the gums and may not offer the same level of support to your facial structure. Over time, this can lead to subtle changes in appearance, such as a reduction in facial fullness.

2. Bone Resorption and Its Effect on Facial Contour

Bone resorption occurs when the jawbone gradually shrinks after tooth loss. This happens because the bone is no longer stimulated by the presence of teeth, leading to a loss of density and volume. The resulting change in facial contour can contribute to an aged appearance.

Dentures do not completely stop bone loss, although they do stimulate the gum tissue to some extent. Tooth implants act as artificial tooth roots by continuously stimulating the bone, may offer a more effective option.

3. The Importance of Proper Denture Fit

A proper fit is essential for maintaining your facial appearance with dentures. Poorly fitted dentures can cause slipping, discomfort, and difficulties with eating. More critically, they can lead to changes in the shape of your face by failing to provide adequate support.

It’s essential to have routine dental exams to make sure your dentures fit properly. Over time, relining or adjustments may be required to accommodate changes in your mouth and keep your facial structure supported.

4. Restoring Facial Volume and Harmony

Dentures play a key role in restoring facial volume by replacing missing teeth and supporting the lips and cheeks. Well-fitted dentures help maintain facial aesthetics by preventing changes associated with tooth loss. They can enhance facial harmony and balance, improving overall appearance and boosting confidence. While dentures may affect your facial structure over time, there are several strategies you can use to help maintain a youthful look:

Consider Dental Implants

If you’re concerned about the long-term effects of dentures on your appearance, dental implants could be a viable alternative. Implants serve as prosthetic roots for replacement teeth and are surgically inserted into the mandible. They provide a more stable and aesthetically pleasing option that maintains facial structure and bone density.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Regular dental check-ups are vital for anyone with dentures. Our dentist will thoroughly examine the condition of your gums and jawbone, fit alterations into your dentures, and monitor the fit of your dentures. Keeping up with these appointments ensures that your dentures continue to effectively support your facial structure.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Even with dentures, maintaining proper dental hygiene is essential. Every day, brush your dentures to avoid plaque accumulation and discoloration. To maintain general oral health, also take good care of your natural teeth and gums.

Stay Hydrated and Eat a Balanced Diet

The flexibility of your skin and the general beauty of your face are greatly maintained by eating a balanced diet and getting enough water. Vitamin and mineral-rich foods can help maintain the youthful, vibrant appearance of your skin.

Consider Cosmetic Enhancements

If you’re looking for additional ways to maintain or enhance your facial appearance, consider discussing cosmetic treatments with your dentist. Procedures like dermal fillers or skin treatments can complement your denture use and help maintain a youthful look.

When visiting a denture clinic, it’s important to discuss your specific needs with your denturist to ensure you receive the type of dentures that best suit your situation.


Many people ask, “Will dentures age my face?” when considering this dental solution. While dentures do play a role in supporting facial structure, proper care and alternative options like dental implants can help mitigate any potential aging effects. Our goal at Brookline Smile Artists is to assist you in achieving and maintaining a confident smile that enhances your overall look.

If you have concerns about how dentures might impact your facial structure or if you’re exploring different options for tooth replacement, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to provide personalized advice and solutions to help you maintain your oral health and youthful appearance.


Will dentures stop my face from sagging?

Properly fitted dentures are essential for maintaining facial support. They not only replace missing teeth but also help stabilize the facial structure, reducing sagging and preserving a youthful appearance. However, it’s important to note that the jawbone may gradually change over time due to the lack of natural tooth roots.

The formation of wrinkles around the lips, eyes, and chin may be attributed to ill-fitting or poorly constructed dentures. On the other hand, new research suggests that dentures supported by implants may really help lessen the look of wrinkles around the mouth.

Most people receive their first set of dentures or implants between the ages of 40 and 49. However, the need for dentures tends to rise as you age. The CDC reports that 12.9 percent of adults aged 65 and older experience complete tooth loss, and this likelihood increases with advancing age.

If you are looking for a dentist in Brookline, MA, schedule your consultation with the team at Brookline Smile Artists. We offer Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry. We are located at 209 Harvard Street, Suite 402 in Brookline. Our office hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM and Friday from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

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Medically Reviewed By
Gary R. Login, ABOI/ID

One of the top rated dentists in Brookline, MA

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