Most dental visits are routine, consisting of cleanings, exams, and standard treatment protocols. However, sometimes, situations may arise where a patient needs emergency dental care. A dental emergency is an unexpected event that causes severe pain and may include a broken or knocked-out tooth, a large cavity, or other dental issues.

If you have a dental issue that cannot wait until you can see the dentist, you can take a trip to your local emergency room. However, it is important to note that they typically do not have a dentist on staff, so they won’t be able to do much beyond giving you antibiotics for infection and something for the pain. You’ll still need to see a dentist to have the problem taken care of and prevent it from happening again in the future.

For patients in or near Brooklyn, MA, Gary Login is here for your emergency dentist needs. Our team is experienced and qualified to treat a variety of dental issues, including:

If you find yourself in a situation where you need emergency dental care, we strive to schedule same-day appointments.



If you have any of the following, your situation may be considered an emergency and you qualify for emergency dental treatment:
Research shows that 88% of dental emergencies can be prevented with routine dental visits and proper oral hygiene.
Dental Abscess

It’s fairly safe to assume that any dental abscess is considered an emergency, since it’s hard to determine how the infection will spread. Any swelling in the gums, whether painful or not, may pose a threat, so it’s critical to seek urgent care.

In the case of an abscess, the primary goal of treatment is to stop the infection from spreading. In most cases, this involves prescription antibiotics. If the abscess is severe, it may require IV antibiotics and a procedure known as incision and drainage. In this procedure, the dentist will open the site and drain the pus out. This will reduce pain and relieve pressure.

For most patients, a toothache can be addressed in a regular dental appointment. On the other hand, if a toothache worsens over time, lasts more than a few days, or is accompanied by a fever, inflammation, or bleeding around the area, it is considered a dental emergency.
Only a dentist can determine if your tooth needs to be extracted or if another procedure would be more appropriate. In most cases, we will do everything we can to save the tooth.
If your wisdom teeth are impacted, you may need emergency dental treatment, typically surgical extraction.


Many dental issues can wait until you can get a regular appointment, they are not worth the added expense of an emergency dental visit. For example, if you have a minor toothache that can be managed with OTC pain relievers and is not accompanied by swelling and/or fever, it can wait.
If you have a broken/chipped/cracked tooth that is not painful, this is not considered an emergency. Also, some patients have bleeding gums or mouth sores, which are not considered an emergency- these issues can wait until you can get an appointment.
If the condition will not advance quickly without intervention, it can wait.


If you are in the midst of a dental emergency, there are certain things you can expect when you come into the office at Gary Login, Brookline, MA:
Expect to be taken care of quickly
When you have a dental emergency, we will address your needs as quickly as possible- you will not have to wait for long. If the dentist is with other patients and your emergency isn’t severe, you may need to wait for a bit to be seen. However, we will help you manage your discomfort.
Emergency dental exams are different than routine exams. A routine exam assesses your overall oral health. Your teeth, bite, soft tissue, and gums are examined during a routine appointment. An emergency exam, on the other hand, helps the dentist locate the source of the pain, which will help determine the best course of treatment. In addition, you will be asked about your medical history and any medications you are currently taking.
For dental emergencies accompanied by intense pain/sensitivity, the dentist will likely use a local anesthetic or sedative to numb the area while doing the examination. Even if you are not in pain, any procedures will be done under local anesthesia. For patients who have dental anxiety, a sedative may be used to help them relax.


Emergency dental visits are typically more expensive than a standard visit. In most cases, dental insurance will cover at least a portion of the visit and the procedures. In addition, we accept financing through CareCredit. This allows you to pay for your treatment and then make smaller, more manageable payments to the financing company.


The best way to avoid dental emergencies is to practice proper oral hygiene and visit the dentist regularly. Ideally, you should have cleanings and a comprehensive exam every 6 months. This will allow the dental team at Gary Login to monitor your dental health and catch problems before they become an emergency.

Also, we do understand that you just can’t avoid some trauma, such as accidents, no matter what you do. However, if you play contact sports, you can reduce your risk of dental trauma by wearing a mouthguard.

a smiling women with a coffee mug and a book


If you cannot get into the office right away, there are a few home remedies you can use to reduce pain.

OTC pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, can help. You should avoid aspirin or ibuprofen, as these are blood thinners and can cause bleeding to worsen. Also, numbing gels and drops can help while you wait for your appointment.

In addition to these, there are several natural remedies that can temporarily relieve tooth pain:

gary logged in as a doctor with one of there patient


If you are in or near Brookline, MA and you have an emergency dental situation, contact our office immediately. We will ask you some questions about what is going on and, if it is an emergency, we strive to get you in the same day. If it is something that can wait, we will get you in as soon as possible.

We are located on 209 Harvard St #402, BrooklineMA 02446, United States. Our office hours are Monday – Thursday 7:30am – 5:30pm, Friday – 8am-2pm. If you have a dental emergency, contact us as soon as possible. We will evaluate your situation with a series of questions. If we deem it to be an emergency, we’ll get you in right away. If it’s something that can wait, we may advise you on some home remedies and schedule you to come in as soon as possible.


At Gay Login, when it comes to dental emergencies, our patients have a lot of questions. Some of the most common ones include:
What is the most common dental emergency?
The most common dental emergencies include trauma, knocked-out tooth, toothache, abscesses, cracked/broken/chipped teeth, damaged braces, and damaged dental restorations. If these are accompanied by fever, excessive bleeding, and pain, they are considered an emergency and will be treated as such. We will strive to get you in to see one of our experienced dentists on the same day or at least within the next few days.
If your tooth pain is unbearable, call the office for an emergency appointment. You will need an exam with x-rays to determine the cause of the pain. Once we determine what is causing it, we will address the issue. This may include emergency tooth extraction, antibiotics, painkillers, etc.
If you have a tooth infection, it is important to address it as soon as possible. If you don’t have it treated, you risk the infection spreading to other parts of your body, causing significant health issues and possibly death.
The dental team at Gary Login understands that you may be apprehensive to come in for an emergency dental appointment- especially if you already have anxiety about visiting the dentist. Therefore, we do everything we can to make things easier. If you are in severe pain, we will provide an anesthetic for the exam. Depending on the procedures you need and the level of your dental anxiety, we do offer sedation dentistry.
Yes. After you have emergency dental treatment, you will need to follow up with your regular dentist- especially if you had a serious issue such as an abscess. This will allow a root canal or extraction to be scheduled, which will prevent the abscess from rupturing and the infection from spreading, as well as relieve your discomfort.
The best way to prevent dental emergencies is with preventative dental care, which means scheduling regular dental exams and cleanings. Ideally, these should be done every 6 months. This allows us to monitor your oral health and to address any issues before they become a dental emergency.
If you are in pain that is not resolved with OTC pain relievers or home remedies, or if the pain is accompanied by swelling and/or bleeding, you need to see a dentist as soon as possible.

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Our office is in-network with all major insurance providers. Please bring your insurance card to each appointment so we can make sure your information is as up-to-date as possible. If you do not find your insurance provider here; please call at (617) 982-2980 for clarity.