
Oral Care During Pregnancy

Oral care during pregnancy is incredibly important, as expecting mothers are more prone to certain dental issues due to the hormonal changes and shifts in their bodies. The most common oral health problem for pregnant women is gum disease, which occurs when bacteria build-up in the mouth due to higher levels of progesterone and estrogen hormones that cause gums to become inflamed and bleed easily. This can lead to tooth decay and infection if left untreated.

Pregnant women should ensure regular visits to their dentist for check-ups and cleanings, as well as brushing twice daily using fluoridated toothpaste. In addition, it is essential for expectant mothers to pay special attention to their diets during pregnancy, avoiding sugary snacks or acidic drinks that can be harmful to teeth while increasing consumption of calcium rich foods like spinach, almonds, sardines and cheese so your body has enough minerals to support the developing fetus’ needs without sacrificing your own oral health. Limiting sugar intake will also help prevent plaque buildup while drinking plenty of water helps keep bacteria levels low.
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It is also recommended that pregnant women avoid smoking or chewing tobacco products since these can accelerate gum recession and increase risk of periodontal disease (gum inflammation), both of which could potentially harm mother and baby alike. Additionally, pregnant women should receive a fluoride treatment from their dentist at least once during this time period as this helps protect teeth by preventing cavities from forming on any existing damaged enamel areas before it gets worse over time.

Overall, taking steps towards good oral health throughout pregnancy will not only benefit the expecting mother but also ensures a smoother ride into parenthood by providing the necessary conditions for safe delivery of a healthy baby!